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Was Bryce Harper Deliberately Scuffing The Braves Logo On Saturday? (VIDEO)

Bryce Harper Braves logo

Bryce Harper has been struggled at the plate this year. And that’s when he’s been healthy enough to play. But one thing the still-just-21-year-old) hasn’t had a problem with is getting his name in the paper.

Whether it’s been his new physique, controversial comments from him, or controversial comments about him, Harper continues to the get the press coverage befitting of the 5.1 WAR player he was during his rookie year in 2012, rather than the .1 WAR he’s become in 2014.

The outfielder certainly gave them something to talk about this weekend. During Saturday night’s Nationals game in Atlanta against their division rival Braves, Harper appeared to use his foot to smudge the Braves logo behind home plate the first three times he came to the plate.

After watching that video, we’re going to have conclude that Harper deliberately joined the fraternity of team logo desecrators that includes such fine names as Terrell Owens.

However, Harper — who was being booed lustily by the Turner Field crowd even before anyone noticed the aggressive addition to his at-bat ritual — denied the provocative move.

“That’s the last thing on my mind when I’m coming to the plate,” Harper said, either oblivious to the evidence otherwise or just not caring. “I have no idea.”

Although Harper did get two hits in Saturday’s game, a 4-1 Nationals win in 11, he also lost track of the outs in the sixth inning and was embarrassingly doubled off of second base on a Wilson Ramos fly ball.

Overall it was a tough series for Harper; he went 2 for 11 with six Ks and the base runner gaffe. And it was a good series for the Braves. Atlanta came in losers of eight straight but were able to take 2 out of 3, pulling them to within 3.5 games of the Nationals in the NL East and two games behind Pittsburgh for the second wild card spot.

Pitcher Alex Wood and right fielder Justin Upton starred in the series for the Braves.

The Braves shouldn’t need much motivation in their pursuit of the Nationals. Like Washington, they’ve been a good team for the past several years who badly needs to validate their status as contenders with a little October success.

Still, Harper’s immature display should further enhance what has become the best rivalry in the National League East.

Bryce Harper bleeding

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