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Category Archives: Hitting

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Baseball Hitting Drills


  Here are five popular hitting drills that require no more than a bat and a tee and can improve any hitter’s technique at the plate: Stride Drill This drill requires a tee and will help a hitter work on striking balls in all locations

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Why You Should Take A Game Approach To Batting Drills


Typically, batting drills take place in either batting practice or batting stations. This is a time honored way of doing things and it has clearly yielded some pretty good results. But that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t try to look outside the box a little bit

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Why You Should Buy A Pitching Machine


Advantages of Buying A Pitching Machine The key to good hitting is repetition. Major Leaguers practice their swing over and over again, training their muscles to be able to repeat themselves in perfect form. But while Major Leaguers are supported by a full-time coaching staff